Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's


No, not really. I have been seeing Facebook post upon post of "Wow, 2013 is almost here. In 2012 I grew as a Person. I will never be the same. There were so many challenges but also so many fun times. Can't wait to see what 2013 has to offer!!"

Facebook friends sure do have hidden depths.

That made me think I should be writing about the upcoming year, but the whole New Year's thing is a litttttlllllleee dumb considering any day of the year is a New Year's Day. Like August 13, 2012? August 13, 2012 is totally New Year's Day if you started counting August 13, 2011. Wooo. Throw a party.

There are so many different New Year's celebrations in different cultures and frankly the December-January jump (I prefer the late March one. Springtime should totally be the beginning of the year for obvious reasons and Symbolism. Also, my birthday is then) is just an example of glorified colonialism.

But I'm really not one to talk, as I happen to be spending New Year's at a country club.


If it's true that the way you spend your New Year's is indicative of the year to follow, I'm going to spend 2013 hanging out with friends at a golf course and enjoying an elite lifestyle, complete with truffle oil pizza.

Maybe that means I'll finally get a job? (I mean, not really finally, since my internships haven't ended yet, but it feels like forever that I have been mooching off my family. It has essentially been forever to me; it's what I've been doing my entire life. Except for a couple hundred bucks I've made from odd jobs. Like, really odd.)

Yes, that is my New Year's resolution.

Get a job.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Book Review: Naked by David Sedaris

As if David Sedaris needs any more praise by an unknown blogger, right?


Naked is the second book I've read by Mr. Sedaris and I loved it. The first one, Me Talk Pretty One Day, was also amazing.

Here's the thing about me. I don't laugh by myself. It's quite rare. I only laugh at funny things when other people are around because I have the Need to Share Laughter to show them I'm not a robot or something? I actually have no idea, but whatever. It doesn't happen.

Well, okay, it does. But only VERY VERY rarely. I still think things are funny, I just don't physically laugh unless something really catches me off guard or is just hilarious in general.

David Sedaris makes me laugh.

Actually, David Sedaris makes me do that laugh where you're alone but in a public place and something is just so funny that you're kind of laughing into your hand and disturbing the peace and whatnot. Similar to when you get a ridiculous text message from one of your friends. It happens. But when you get a text from a friend, it's almost like you're NOT alone because it's like a conversation from afar. Reading a book is different. Completely.

So anyway, I laugh. And laugh. And it's really embarrassing. But still I keep reading. And laughing.

That is my review of David Sedaris.