Wednesday, January 5, 2011

So many errands...

I'm in Copenhagen! Yay!

I have been ridiculously busy ever since I got here. There's so much to do: get keys, move in, get a CPR number, get a bank account with a DankCard(??? slightly ridiculous name), get a bus/train/metro pass, get my student ID card, get a sim card for a phone, get a phone account, get books for classes, get change for the bus/train/metro, go grocery shopping, unpack, set up internet stuff, get the cigarette odor from the previous tenant out of my room... and of course, learn Danish. We had our first class today along with an orientation (I skipped the second one, oops. I went to try to get a bus/train/metro pass and open a bank account instead but then I realized I didn't have a handy passport photo with me (darn, I usually carry several with me in each of my coats!) and then the banks close at 4 apparently (except for Thursdays. Don't ask me why). SO, because it took foreverrrr to get back home from South Campus, I didn't get anything done. Haha. Though on the way back from the closed bank I went grocery shopping and got vinegar (for the smoke smell, according to my mom), bread, tomato sauce, and cheese (wonder what that's for? Actually... it's really mostly for grilled cheeses, not pizza... Though I did get mozzarella too. And I know where to get the cheapest baguettes around, yay!!!).

ANYWAY that was a lot of semi-complaining which is super lame for my first post here, but I really just meant to tell anyone who is eagerly awaiting (??) my first legit post that I am working on getting stuff ready and when I am more settled in I will post something real! New Year's Eve in Copenhagen, wandering around, a few pizza reviews and stuff about my dorm place and whatnot are things to look forward to. Exciting! Haha. I also have lots of pictures to post. :)

Before I go, let me share a few Danish words so you can learn too!

skinke: Basically my new favorite word.
"Officially" means: ham
Really (according to me) means: anything repulsive and/or reprehensible, be it physically, psychologically, morally, etc. Functions as a noun, verb, adjective and all other forms of speech (yes, even prepositions). [ex: "Stop skinking around!" Sarah told the lice-ridden pedophiliac eating moldy cheese. Probably with ham.]

appelsin: Commonly seen on bottles of juice. Can you guess what it means? Apple juice, right! Oh... wait...
"Officially" means: orange juice
Really (according to me) means: apple juice. Duh. Though Jose raised the possibility that the apple sinned and was then turned into an orange as penance... Original sin and whatnot?

dav: I learned this in Danish class today! I use the term "learn" loosely, as I forgot it directly after...
"Officially" means: hello
Really (according to me) means: something I can't pronounce. I can pronounce the d but I have no idea what vowel sound the a makes, and I think the v just disappears completely.

hvor: When there's an h before a v, you basically just kill the h. I'm not sure what it's there for...
"Officially" means: where, how and probably some other stuff
Really (according to me) means: it's handy and I don't have to memorize a lot of words.

That ended up being longer than I expected... Time to eattt... I'm so hungry. Walking in the snow and wind is tiring...

And I have homework already! Plus apparently a test tomorrow... on the second day. Ay dios mio... I miss Spanish :(

But don't worry. This is like the most beautiful place EVER and I can't wait to type forever and ever about how nice it is and tell you every single little detail, so that your fingers at the keyboard get stiff from the cold.


På gensyn!


  1. Loved reading your 1st official Copenhagen blog entry! Sounds amazing. Your dad and I were laughing about it. He said "skipped school?!" Christmas tree is still up...we finally exchanged gifts today (no, I didn't get another star named Max..hahaa) Your Toblerone is on the mantle so doggy doesn't eat it, but your dad is eyeballing it....Went to the dog park and saw a flyer for a dog up for adoption. His name was OREO and he looked just like our guy :-)
    Keep the posts coming so we can live vicariously through you!

    Terre and Dad

  2. I just typed out a whole response to this but it deleted it. Grrr. Oh well. I will try to remember...

    I miss Toblerone! I'm in Europe but everything is so expensive here, especially food. You will read more about that with my first official Pizza Review... coming soon to a blog near you. I bought KinderSurprise eggs in a desperate attempt to reconnect with Mondo Gabbibo but sadly he was nowhere to be found (a different brand anyway, I think)(but it wasn't really that desperate since the chocolate is really good anyway... it was so much fresher than at home!)(though I miss fresh fruits and veggies and stuff... The stuff here is fine but the fresh stuff is much more expensive. And today I saw some pears in the canteen at the South Campus and I swear, they were like 1/5 of normal pear size. They looked so emaciated! Maybe they just grow miniature pears here...?

    Adopt Oreo! He can replace me until I come home and then I can have him. :)

    Hope all is well and that you got some good gifts! Keep watching the heavens for the Max star.....

  3. applesin... HAHAHAHAHAHAA love it.
